principal tower造句


  1. After the antechamber and the annex, one reaches the principal tower.
  2. It served as a wall around the principal tower.
  3. On the exterior, the principal tower on the south side is high and square.
  4. Alongside it, there will be a 50-storey residential tower called Principal Tower.
  5. A fire in 1956 caused the collapse of the lantern over the principal tower's dome.
  6. It's difficult to find principal tower in a sentence. 用principal tower造句挺难的
  7. Swastikas can also be seen on early Medieval churches and fortresses, including the principal tower in Armenia's historical capital city of Ani.
  8. The principal defenses consist of a crumbling principal tower and two separate enclosures, with some of its battlements still intact, connected by a long curtain wall.
  9. The principal tower and cistern were cleared and renovated during this time, but further work on the walls was needed in the intervening years, that included the consolidation of various points with schist masonry and clay cement and sand.
  10. The shortest of the Palace's three principal towers ( at To accommodate the tower, Barry was forced to lower the lofty ceiling he had planned for the Central Lobby and reduce the height of its windows; however, the tower itself proved to be an opportunity to improve the Palace's exterior design, and Barry chose for it the form of a spire in order to balance the effect of the more massive lateral towers.
  11. "' Mueang Sing Historical Park (-8 " 2 # 0'14 ( 2 *  # L @  ! 7- * 4 + L ) "'is better known as Prasat Mueang Sing (  # 2 * 2 @  ! 7- * 4 + L ), The laterite sanctuary was constructed in the late Lop Buri Period, c . 11 13th centuries CE . Influenced by ancient Khmer culture, its principal tower is encircled by a laterite wall, moat, and earthen mound.


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  10. "principal tree"造句

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